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Learning the Basics
The Flash 8 Workspace |
Your First Flash 8 Document |
Working with Panels |
Using the Timeline and Frames |
Working with Layers |
Setting Preferences |
Testing an FLA File |
Finding Help |
Exploring the Project |
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Creating Graphics
Guides, Grids, Coordinates and Snapping |
Importing graphics |
Layering Flash elements |
Organizing content in layer folders |
Creating graphics |
Using the natural drawing tools |
Using colour effectively |
Creating a colour swatch |
Reusing graphics as symbols |
Masking content |
Importing and Optimizing Bitmaps |
Importing Vector Drawings |
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Using Text Effectively
Using the Text tool |
Creating input, static, and dynamic text fields |
Using embedded or device fonts |
Manipulating font properties |
Building forms in Flash |
Using the text property to populate fields |
Anti-aliasing text |
Using text components in Flash |
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Creating and Editing Symbols in Flash 8
Understanding Symbols |
Creating and Editing Symbols on the Stage |
Looking at Symbols in the Library |
Revisiting Graphic Symbols |
Creating Buttons |
Creating an Invisible Button |
Creating and Using Movie Clips |
Creating Movie Clip Buttons |
Duplicating Symbols and Adding Symbols to the Stage |